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1- Measure along the baseboard the length of one wall, from one corner of the room to another. Record measurement to the nearest 1/4 inch.


2- Measure the remaining walls the same way you measured the first. Most rooms have four walls, but if you’re measuring an L-shaped room, you have more to measure. Include every wall in your sketch. Your drawing does not have to be exactly  to scale as long as you include all measurements and represent the shape of the room.


3- Measure the room’s doorways and other entries. Note whether the door opens into or out of the room and indicate the direction with an arc on your rough floor plan sketch. Also measure the distances of all doors and open archways from the ends of the walls.


4- Measure windows from outside edge to outside edge of moldings. Note the distance from the floor to the bottom of the window frame, from the ceiling to the top of the window molding, and from the window to the corner of each  wall or next window/door.


5-  Measure all architectural features, including fireplaces, brackets, shelves, and any other built-in features. Measure surrounding space and outside or overall dimensions of these items, and then locate each on your plan.


6- Measure the walls from side to side and from the floor to the ceiling.


See Example below.














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